What is the KnowledgeCenter?
Guidelines for Contributing Content and Feedback
Finding and Sorting Content by Corroboration Level and Group Ratings

What is the KnowledgeCenter?

The KnowledgeCenter is a knowledge-sharing system designed to tap the collective knowledge of our community. The system uses your comments and feedback to enhance postings and to elevate the most highly regarded content. The system filters content by allowing you to sort postings under any topic by corroboration level (comment support level), ratings, author or date. The content that most closely matches your personal criteria for value in information then rises to the top. Each posting is followed by a comment area where corroborating comments, alternate views and other comments are displayed and automatically sorted by agreement level. You are invited to add new content, provide pro & con commentary and additional information on other people's postings, rate postings or suggest new sub-topics. A robust search function allows you to find content by topic or by keyword within postings.

How to Contribute Content and Feedback

To submit your own ideas, experiences and opinions under the appropriate topic heading, simply go to the topic and use the "Submit New Content" button at the left and type or paste your contribution into the field provided. Comment can be added to existing postings by slecting "add comments" while viewing the posting. You may use your email address if you want feedback from others regarding your posting, or just use a screen name if you wish to limit feedback to comments added to your posting by others.

Please browse the existing postings before posting to see if it would be more appropriate to add comments to an existing posting. User profile fields are optional. You may add links to other Web-resources in the field provided.

Please do not post commercial or offensive content. This site is democratically moderated. Please report inappropriate postings by using the "moderator alert" link on each page.

Finding and Sorting Content by Corroboration Level and Group Ratings

There are three ways to find content within the Knowledge Base:
1) Browse the topics by browsing the main subject page and its index list.
2) Click on the "Visual Category Map" button on the upper left of each page to view a detailed taxonomic key to all postings.
3) Use the search function to generate a list of relevant postings based on keywords within the subject line or within the text of all postings.

Once you find the topic you are interested in, use the "sort by" function to sort the postings within that topic by comment support level, interest rating, perceived accuracy or presentation (clarity) rating, author, or date. In some cases, we have provided topic specific links to books, tapes and videos on the topic you are exploring. Please support this site by using the affiliate links to purchase these selected media products.

Thank You for Your Participation! We welcome your feedback and ideas.

Michael Heumann
President: KnowledgeFilter Inc.
Founder: KnowledgeCenter.com , WisdomBase.org
